
The era of AI music: BOOMY

por | Sep 5, 2023 | English

If you’re passionate about music and technology, get ready to discover Boomy, a company you’ve probably never heard of. Did you know that they claim to have generated almost 15 million songs and uploaded them directly to Spotify?


If you're passionate about music and technology, get ready to discover Boomy, a company you've probably never heard of. Did you know that they claim to have generated almost 15 million songs and uploaded them directly to Spotify?

Boomy is an artificial intelligence-based platform that allows users to create music easily and quickly. With just a few clicks, you can compose your own songs in less than a minute. Select the «Create» button and choose a music style such as «Lo-Fi» or «Electronic Dance». You can adjust the parameters if you wish and then click «Create Song» and you’re done.

Tracks made at Boomy can be mastered and uploaded to Spotify.

Some less ethical users discovered Boomy and used it to generate songs that they distributed on Spotify, using «bots» to play them and earn royalty income.

However, Boomy charges for mastering and distribution, and the worst thing is that all the copyrights of those songs. Which represent 14% of the music recorded in the «world», belong to Boomy. Yes, you read that right. The copyrights of the songs you generate on Boomy are fully and irrevocably assigned to the platform itself.


The idea behind Boomy is not to unleash the creativity of artists, but to «create a massive royalty portfolio». Profiting from the quantity rather than the quality of the tracks. This means that, even if the AI-generated music is of low quality and totally lacking of a soul. Boomy could make huge sums of money due to the payment model of the streaming platforms.

It’s understandable that artists would be upset by this situation, as it would take money directly out of their pockets. Instead of being a revolution in the music industry. This would become a «Technological Trojan Horse» that benefits a few to the detriment of the artists.

Despite this. If you dream of becoming the next «boomystar», you can still explore Boomy and enjoy creating music.

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Valetronic: Fb / Ig / Sc / Mc /Yt

Also of interest to you. Electronic music and artificial intelligence.

Credits 5.magazine
